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Competition Results 29th Sept  2024 
1st J Deandrade  Ray 11lb 3oz  conger x 2                
                 2lb 12oz +3lb 12oz     total 17lb 11oz
            2nd  S Jones ray 12lb 3oz                                                 
                             3rd R Starling Conger 3lb 10oz                                                            
           +conger 4lb 7oz  Total 8lb 1oz                                           
                      4th L Williams Conger 6lb 5 1/2oz                                                

Competition Results 22 Sept  2024 
1st L Williams conger x2 total 5lb 13oz
2nd  J Lewis conger 5lb 10oz
3rd C Boagey conger eel  2lb 5oz + dogfish 15 1/2 oz

  Total 3lb 14 1/2oz                             
4th R Starling conger 1lb 10oz                     

Competition Results 1st Sept  2024 
1st J Deandrade 2x smooth hound +conger eel 
Total weight 19lb 9 1/2oz       
2nd  L Williams conger eel + smooth hound     
Total weight               
3rd C Boagey conger eel x2                           
  Total weight 6lb 3oz            

Competition Results 28th July  2024 
summer open comp proceeds to RNLI

1st Dai Ridge weight 4.2kgs          
2nd  Ray Christo weight 3.75kgs 
3rd Calvin Parker  weight 3.68 kgs
  4th Mark Cruickshank weight 2.74  
117 fished 17 weighed in.
Thanks to all who contributed a Total of £ 1.339.00
was presented to the RNLI on the day.

Competition Results 7th July  2024 

1st R Starling conger eel 1 lb 5oz 
2nd   R Galley dover sole 8oz

          1st   R Starling smooth hound 10lb 10oz
    2nd B Styles Mackerel 8oz             
only 2 fish weighed in.  
Lot of fish around could see them  but they weren't biting.

Competition Results 23rd June  2024 

  1st   J Collins conger 1lb 2oz
             2nd A Willmott  silver eel 5 1/2oz     
only 2 fish weighed in.

Competition Results 9th June  2024 

1st   M Doubler smooth hound 4.34kg +dogfish 0.44kg
total 4.78kgs converted 10lb 5oz
   2nd J Lewis Thornback ray 4lb 4oz +dogfish 1lb 3 1/2oz
total 5lb 7 1/2oz
3rd  L Williams  Dogfish x4 Total 4lb 13oz           
  4th W Marsh   Ray 4lb 12oz

F Marsh 2 x dogfish  1lb 9oz+1lb 11oz
                  total 3lb 4oz                        

Competition Results 26th May 2024 

          1st   C Parker  Conger x 2lb 15oz +Rockling 1lb
total 3lb 15oz           
  2nd J Deandrade Thornback ray 3lb 1/2oz
  3rd  L Williams  Dogfish x2 1lb 3oz+1lb1oz 
total  2lb 4oz             
4th B Niblett  dogfish 1lb 6oz   
5th N Hatton Dogfish 1lb 2 1/2oz

Competition Results 19th May 2024 

           1st   R Starling Conger x 9lb 15 1/2oz +Dogfish x2lb 3oz
total 12lb 2 1/2oz           
  2nd J Deandrade Thornback ray 8lb 2oz            
     3rd  L Williams  conger 3lb 14oz +bull huss 3lb 2oz
total  7lb              
4th C Boagey thornback ray 3lb 11oz

Faith Marsh dogfish 1lb 5 1/2oz         

Competition Results 5th May 2024 

        1st   B Niblett   ray x2  3lb 9oz + 4lb 10oz
total 8lb 3oz

                           2nd L Williams  Ray 5lb 6oz +  2 dogfish 1lb 2oz +
1lb 5oz total  7lb 13oz               
                      3rd   C Boagey   dogfish 1lb 11 oz                      
4th M Edwards Dogfish 1lb10oz  

Competition Results 28th April 2024 

Competition Results 21st April 2024 

  1st   C  Parker conger 7lb 1oz
                              2nd L Williams  conger 6lb 5oz+whiting 4 1/2oz 
               total  6lb 9 1/2oz
                                  3rd   J Deandrade   ray 3lb 11oz+
dogfish 1lb 1 1/2oz
                       total 4lb 12 1/2oz        
        4th J Sexton conger 2lb 3 1/2oz  
         5th R Taylor dogfish  total 1lb 11oz
  6th R Phillips dogfish 1lb 3oZ


Competition Results 14th April 2024

            1st   C Boagey dog 1lb 2oz conger 6lb 2oz
total 7lb 4oz

               2nd J Deandrade  Ray x 2 3lb 10oz +2lb 5oz
total  5lb 15oz
3rd M Hudd conger 4lb   
      4th B Galley conger 3lb 14oz  
                  5th R Starling conger x2  total 2lb 6oz
                               6th L Williams   2 x 3 bearded rockling 15 1/2oz
     7th J Sexton green eel 15oz
            8th C Winter whiting 4oz          


Competition Results 7th April 2024

            1st   L Williams   2x conger 3lb 9oz
1 lb 5 oz total 4lb 14oz

 2nd B Niblett Ray   4lb 8oz
    3rd C Boagey   Conger 4lb 7oz
     4th J Deandrade   Ray 4lb 1oz
                    5th R Starling Rockling x2  total 1lb 13oz
            6th A Willmott  dogfish  1lb 4 1/2oz
7th R Taylor  Rockling 10oz

Competition Results 24th March 2024

Easter comp 10 prizes
         1st   C Boagey   1x conger 3lb 4oz
plus 1 x dogfish 1lb 13oz 
Total 5lb 1oz

            2nd J Sexton conger   3lb 14 1/2oz
3rd M Purnell   Ray 3lb 7oz
            4th C Mather  conger 2lb 10 3/4oz
      5th W Marsh  conger 1lb 1/2oz
6th N Dibben  dogfish  1lb
    7th L Williams Rockling 14oz
8th R Galley  dogfish  8oz
       9th V Willmott whiting 5 1/2oz
Good to see a few more fish weighed in. Lets hope the fishing is starting to pick up. 

 1st   R Starling 2xconger 1lb 7oz and 1lb 13oz
Total 3lb 4oz

   only fish weighed in.



Competition Results 17th March 2024 

 1st   C  Boagey 3 x conger 
Total 7lb 12oz

   2nd R Galley Conger  1lb 14oz
      3rd M Edwards 
conger  14 oz 



Competition Results 3rd March 2024 

              1st   C Mather 2 x conger 1lb 3oz + 5lb 1oz 
Total 6lb 4oz
2nd J Deandrade conger  5lb 7oz

    3rd  L Williams
conger 2lb 10 1/2oz 
4th  J Lewis  conger   2lb 6oz   



Competition Results 18th Feb 2024 

1st   L Williams conger 3lb 40z
             2nd R Starling   2x 3b rockling 8oz and
15 oz    total 1lb 7oz

        3rd  V Willmott
   conger 1lb 3oz     


Competition Results 4th Feb 2024 

           1st   R Styles 1 x rockling + 1 green eel
total  5 1/2 oz            

2nd R Galley   1 rockling  2 oz
only fish weighed in.           


Competition Results 28th Jan 2024 

                  1st   C Parker 2x rockling  5 1/2 oz            
  2nd J Sexton 1   rockling 2 1/2oz
     3rd   F Chick 1  rockling 2 oz         


Competition Results 21st Jan 2024 

                1st   M Purnell 2x whiting  1lb               
   2nd R Galley 2x whiting   13oz  
      3rd   R Phillips  whiting 6oz         
                   4th  V Willmott whiting 6oz                                           


Competition Results 7 Jan 2024 

    1st   C J Mullins conger eel 5lb 14oz 
                 2nd   D Harding conger eel 4lb 15oz              

              3rd   R Galley Dogfish 1lb 14oz +whiting 7oz
Total 2lb 5oz  
              4th   R Hopkins Dogfish 1lb 10 1/2oz
  5th  N Dibben whiting 12oz 
6th L Williams  whiting 9oz
7th B Nibblett whiting 7oz
         8th J Cameron whiting 5 1/2oz  
                    9th J Sexton silver eel 4 1/2oz              



Competition Results 10thDec 2023

                 1st   J  De Andrade  conger eel 6lb 14oz                
     2nd  R Starling 2x rockling  1lb 14oz            
       3rd    V Willmott 2 x whiting 1lb 2 1/2oz         
                        4th  J Sexton  eel   12 1/2oz                                           
Junior prize              
J Bennett whiting 6oz              


Competition Results 31stDec 2023

            1st   C Boagey  conger eel 3lb 4oz +
            rockling 11oz  total 3
lb 15oz
  2nd   J Lewis cod 2lb 1/2oz  
   3rd   M Hudd Conger 1lb 10oz



Competition Results 3rd Dec 2023

                 1st   J Cameron 2 x conger eel 3lb 5 1/2oz +1lb 2oz
total 4lb 7 1/2oz
                     2nd  R Starling  conger eel 3lb 12oz             
       3rd   C Boagey conger eel 3lb 10oz  
4th   M Hudd silver eel 11 1/2 oz
              5th   V Willmott  2xwhiting 5oz +5 1/2oz
total 10 1/2oz
6th D Jones whiting 6 1/2 oz
7th F Smyth  whiting 6 1/2oz
8th A Willmott whiting 6 oz  



Competition Results 17thDec 2023

   1st   L Williams 2x conger eel 
total 7
lb 7oz
         2nd   F Smyth conger eel 2lb 2oz   
   3rd   E Muliins Conger 1lb 3oz



Competition Results 26th Nov 2023

   1st   L Williams 2x conger eel +whiting
total 7
lb 4 1/2oz
 2nd  W Marsh conger eel 4lb 10oz   
   3rd   J Cameron conger eel +dogfish 
total 3lb 8 1/2oz

4th    R Starling conger 1lb 10 oz   



Competition Results 19th Nov 2023

  1st   L Williams 2x conger eel 
total 6
lb 1/2oz
           2nd  R Starling conger eel 5lb 14oz   
     3rd   R Styles conger eel 2lb 3oz

     4th    J Sexton whiting 4 1/2oz   



Competition Results 12th Nov 2023

  1st   L Saunders  13.57
   2nd  G Parsons     9.98
3rd    C Jones     9.11

   4th    G John       6.04
 5th   J Grovell     2.84
    6th    C Boagey    2.70
F   Williams 1.14



Competition Results 22nd 0ct 2023
62nd south wales open result's

 1st   L Williams   2 conger eels
total  4lb 1 1oz

       2nd  C Boagey 1 conger 1 dogfish
total 4lb 6oz
          3rd   R Starling  2 conger 1 whiting
   total 4lb 3oz
     4th N Hatton 1 conger 1 whiting
                total 4lb 1/2oz            




Competition Results 15th 0ct 2023

1st   C Boagey   3 conger eels
total  14lb 1 1/2oz

       2nd  R Hopkin conger 5lb oz 9 1/2
                   3rd   J Sexton  silver
 eel  8 1/2oz              




Competition Results 8th 0ct 2023

 1st   M Hudd Smooth hound 8lb 1oz +green eel 1lb 5oz
total 9lb. 6oz

2nd  C Dibben  conger 1lb 3oz plus +conger 3lb 10oz
Total 4lb 12oz     (junior)   
    3rd   R Smart  con
ger eel 1lb 9 oz               
          4th C Par
ker  conger eel 1lb                              
5th A Willmott green eel 7 1/2oz (senior)



Competition Results 10th Sept 2023

 1st   C Parker  bass 4lb 14oz
         2nd C Winter  conger 1lb 6oz plus
        dover sole 1lb 8oz   total 2lb 14oz
                                 3rd  C Boagey  conger eel 1lb 5 1/2 oz                   

4th   B Styles green eel 8oz
   Back in September on pier and beach.
One comp in september to finish the year.
New fishing  year starts in October.



Competition Results July 30th 2023

  1st   M Cruickshank   4.16
 2nd S Roberts          3.55
       3rd  J Lewis              2.54      

    4th   M Cowell          2.10   
  Williams              1.60  

over 100 fished 15 weighed in.

Total raised for R.N.L.I. £1200



Competition Results July 23rd 2023
summer open competition

       1st   C Boagey conger eel  2lb 11oz +smooth hound 8lb 6oz
total 11lb 1oz
           2nd A Willmott smooth hound 6lb 8oz +Dover sole 2lb 1 1/2oz
total 8lb 9 1/2oz
3rd  L Williams smooth hound 8lb 7oz

 4th  R Starling  smooth hound 6lb 12oz


Competition Results July 9th 2023

       1st   C Boagey conger eel  13lb 10oz 
          2nd S Williams smooth hound 7lb 4oz
3rd  F Chick conger eel 2lb 5 oz

              4th  J Gravel  conger 1lb 11oz +silver eel 4 1/2oz
total 1lb 15 1/2


Competition Results June 18th 2023

       1st J De Andrade 255 points 
 2nd  J Lewis 180 points
3rd B Niblett  167 points
Jay scooped the diddler with a 36lb tope.
At least 4 pbs were achieved by anglers on trip


Annual Boat Trip Results June 17th 2023

      1st C Boagey dogfish and smoothhound
total 11lb 14oz 

 2nd E Mullan smoothhound and 2 dogfish
total 10lb 11oz
3rd L Williams bass 3lb 13oz
4th R Starling 3lb 3oz
5th R Galley 2lb 2oz
F Chick 2lb 1 1/2oz
Zac Williams 1lb 2oz

Competition Results June 4th 2023

      1st R Galley    Green eel  1lb 14 1/2oz
 2nd V Willmott  Whiting   6 1/2oz

only 2 weighed in

Competition Results May 28th 2023

        1st R Galley blonde ray 13lb 3oz +conger 3lb 3oz 
total 16lb 6oz 

    2nd F Chick 2 congers 4lb 5 1/2oz+1lb 14 1/2oz
total 6lb 4oz
3rd C Boagey conger 1lb 11oz +dogfish 1lb 6oz
total 3lb 1oz  
4th  Nibblett  Dogfish 1lb 5 1/2oz            
well done Rob
photo to be put in news page. 


Competition Results May 21st 2023

        1st C Dibben 2x conger total 7lb 1oz 
          2nd R Starling 2 congers total 3lb 5oz
                           3rd R Galley  conger 2lb 4oz                               
      4th E Mullin Dogfish 1lb 4oz            
C Parker whiting 12oz 



Competition Results May 14th 2023

Competition Results April 30th 2023

 1st  R Hopkins  conger 7lb 1 1/2oz +ray 3lb 6oz
total 10lb 7 1/2oz      

2nd  N Dibben  whiting 8oz +conger 3lb 15oz 
total 4lb 7oz
3rd B Nibblet  cod 3lb 7oz                              
4th J Cameron  conger 1lb 1oz +conger 1lb 2oz
total 2lb 3oz

Junior Prize
1st C Mullins  whiting 5oz 


Competition Results April 16th 2023

Competition Results April 9th 2023

 1st  R Starling     2 x cod  5lb 13oz      
2nd  V Willmott  cod   3lb 14oz          


Competition Results April 2nd 2023

1st N Hatton      Ray  4lb 10oz  
2nd S Thorpe     Conger  3 lb 10oz
   3rd M Hudd       cod 3lb 3oz
     4th  J Deandrade   Ray 3 lb 2 1/2oz    


Competition Results March 26th 2023

 1st J De Andrade  Ray  6lb 9 1/2oz  
   2nd R  Hopkins  Conger eel  5lb 13oz
      3rd  B Davies  Ray 5lb 5oz
4th  Fred Chick Ray 4 lb 12 1/2oz    
5th  J Collins Bass 4lb 8 1/2oz       

Junior Prize
C Dibben Green eel 6 1/2oz


Competition Results March 12th 2023

 1st J De Andrade  Ray  5lb 1oz  
     2nd R Starling  codling x 2 4lb 11oz
             3rd  J Sexton silver eel  3oz                 



Competition Results Feb 26th 2023

 1st J De Andrade  Ray  5lb 9oz  
2nd D Sidaway     Ray  4lb 8oz
                     3rd  C Boagey     codling 2lb 10oz                 

 The pier pool that has been running for 7 comps has finally been won well done  to J Deandrade          


Competition Results Feb 12th 2023

                 1st R Starling 3xcodling 3lb 6oz 3lb 1oz and 4lb 
      total weight 10lb 7oz  
2nd J Cameron    whiting  8 1/2oz



Competition Results Jan 29th 2023

          1st  B Styles rockling 1 1/2 oz
         only weighable fish caught  



Competition Results Jan 15th 2023

            1st  A Farmer  2x codling 1lb 14 3/4
            + 3lb 3/4 oz  total      4lb 5 1/4oz   
     2nd R Starling rockling 1lb 1oz
       3rd  R Styles green eel 1lb 1/2oz
  4th J Grovel whiting 10 1/2oz
5th B Galley rockling 2oz  



Competition Results Jan 1st 2023

            1st  F Chick  codling 1 lb 9 1/2oz  +
              rockling 2 1/2 oz total 1 lb 12oz  
       2nd R Galley silver eel+ rockling
total 8 1/2 oz
    3rd  M Hudd silver eel  4 1/2oz
4th R Styles   rockling 2oz   



Competition Results Dec 18th 2022

            1st  F Chick  codling 2lb 8oz        
          2nd R Styles 2 x rockling 4 1/2oz
      3rd  J Sexton 2x  rockling 4oz
4th  N Evans rockling 2oz
Well done to all that braved the cold again.



Competition Results Dec 11th 2022

    1st  L Williams  whiting 8 1/2 oz
              plus Conger eel 1lb 12 1/2 oz      
      2nd E Mullins codling 1lb 12 1/2oz
  3rd D Harding  codling 1lb 11oz
Only 3 fish weighed in
Well done to all that braved the cold.



Competition Results Dec 4th 2022

    1st J Sexton         eel 7oz   
         2nd N Nicholas   whiting  5 oz
       Only 2 weighable fish caught 


Competition Results 20th Nov 2022

             1st C Boagey     conger 2lb 1oz    
        2nd E Mullins   codling 1lb 6oz
                       3rd J Cameron   whiting  x2 6oz and 7oz
total 13oz
   4th N Hatton Dogfish 12 oz



Competition Results 6th Nov 2022

            1st I Marden Conger x 2  3lb 12oz 1lb 5oz +
dogfish 15oz Total 6lb
 2nd C Dibbens   3 x dogfish
Total 3lb 3oz (senior prize) 
     3rd F Chick conger 1lb 13 1/2 oz and
  codling 2lb 3 1/2 oz
Total 3lb 1oz

 4th C Boagey 1 codling +1 dogfish
Total 3lb 

   5th N Dibben conger plus dogfish 
Total 2lb 8oz 


Competition Results 30th Oct 2022

     1st N Dibbens 1 x conger 5lb 4oz and a dogfish 1lb 4oz
total 6lb 8oz
           2nd C Dibbens 2 x conger 2lb .9 1/2 and 2lb 1/2oz total4lb 10oz (senior prize)
            3rd R Galley conger 3lb 1/2 oz and dogfish 1lb 7oz
total 4lb 71/2oz
            4th J Grovell conger 2lb 3 1/2 oz plus 2x dogfish 14oz and 1lb 1oz total 4lb 2 1/2oz
         5th A Willmott conger 2lb 21/2oz plus dogfish 11 1/2 oz
total 2lb 14oz 


Competition Results 23rd Oct 2022

     1st J Grovell conger 4lb 1oz  
    2nd N Dibbens whiting 10oz 
 3rd R Hopkins whiting 8oz


Competition Results 16th Oct 2022

   1st S Jones conger 1lb 9 1/2oz +conger 4lb 6 1/2oz
total 6lb 

 2nd C Boagey conger 3lb.13oz 
3rd R Starling conger 1lb 6oz + rockling 11oz
total 2lb 1oz

4th C Parker dogfish 14oz +rockling 14oz 
total 1lb 12oz


Competition Results 2nd Oct 2022
61st S Wales Sea angling Championships

In total 27 weighed in top ten listed below   
   1st A Hutchings 3.52kg 
 2nd M Mather 2.95kgs
3rd J Griffiths 2.71kgs
4th F Chick 2.66kgs  
5th B Beal 2.34kgs JR
6th S Webb 1.665kgs
7th R Taylor 1.50kgs
8th D Cook 1.49kgs
9th A Farmer 1.46kgs
10th P George 1.45kgs


Competition Results 25 sep 2022

st F Chick 6lb 9oz
     2nd R Starling 4lb 2oz
3rd C Boagey   4lb 
        4th R Hopkins    3lb 5oz  
C Dibbens 1lb 2oz


Competition Results 18 sep 2022

st C Boagey  8lb 5oz
    2nd N Nichols 5lb 10oz
        3rd B Niblett   5lb 4 1/2 oz
     4th R Starling   4lb 9oz  


Competition Results July 31st 2022

st  C Parker  smooth hound 8lb 14 1/2 oz
  2nd J Lewis  conger eel 3lb12oz
The only 2 that weighed in



Competition Results July 10th 2022
Summer open all proceeds to R.N.L.I 

st D Llewellyn      5.235kgs
  2nd  R Taylor          4.0kgs 
  3rd   B Davies         2.84kgs
4th G Nicholas        2.13kgs

 1st   F Williams            1.19kgs
                      2nd  M Worsey             0.68kgs                               3rd  E Hathaway           0.17kgs         
                     4th   B Skinner              0.14kgs                     


Competition Results July 3rd  2022 

st   N Hatton  conger     4lb 4oz
  2nd  R Evans  mullet x3  4lb 1oz 
  3rd   R Galley codling    1lb 1/2oz



Competition Results June 19th  2022 

st   L  Williams smooth hound 7lb 7 1/2 oz +
smooth hound 9lb 15 1/4oz
total 17lb 6 3/4oz  
     2nd  C Parker smooth hound 6lb 2oz 
3rd   A Mcquiston Bass 6lb 1oz  
4th   A Farmer Conger 5lb 7 1/2oz


Competition Results June 12th  2022 


1st   B Davies  conger   6lb 14oz  

          2nd  L Williams Smooth hound 10lb 11oz

(only 5lb 5 1/2oz as 2 rods)  

3rd N Dibben S Eel 14 1/2oz






Competition Results May 29th  2022 


1st   B Davies     Ray 4lb 11oz

     +dogfish 1lb 2 1/2total

5lb 13 1/2oz

    2nd C Boagey  Conger 3lb 5oz   

           3rd R Hopkins Spotted  Ray 2lb 14oz

               4th  J Swainson  dogfish 11 1/2 oz         






Competition Results May 22  2022 


1st   J Lewis     Ray 4lb 12 1/2oz

   2nd (JR)  C Dibben eels  x2  2lb   

3rd  N Hatton  conger  1lb 12oz

   4th  A Rees dogfish 1lb 1oz         

  J Denscombe takes junior prize

dogfish  12oz 






Competition Results 8th 2022 


1st   D Sidaway  Ray 4lb 15 1/2oz  +  dog x2 1lb 2 1/2 and 1lb 3 1/2oz   Total 7lb 7  1/2oz

  2nd  J Deandrade  Ray  4lb 15 1/2 oz and dogfish 1lb 4 1/2oz Total  6lb 4oz

   3rd N Hatton  conger 4lb 11 oz +  dogfish 1lb 3 1/2oz Total 5lb 14 1/2oz

    4th S Jones Conger 1lb 11oz

3 others weighed in.







Competition Results 1st May 2022 


1st   R Hopkins  Dogfish 1lb 2oz +ray 6lb 11 1/2 oz

Total 7lb 13 1/2 oz

  2nd  J Deandrade conger x 2  4lb 6 1/2 oz and 2lb 

total 6lb 6 1/2 oz 

   3rd C Parker Dogfish x2  1lb 11oz +15oz conger 3lb 5oz total 5lb 15oz

    4th C Dibben (Junior)Dogfish x2 1lb 5 1/2 oz + 15oz 

total 2lb 4 1/2oz

4 others weighed in.








Competition Results 24th April 2022 


1st   J Deandrade  ray 8lb 12 1/2oz

conger 4lb 14oz dogfish 1lb 7oz

total 15lb 1  1/2oz

2nd  C Parker   cod 4lb 13oz 

       3rd C Boagey  conger and pouting

total 4lb 3oz


  4th  N Nichols  Ray 3lb 11 1/2 oz


a total of 15 members weighed in

mostly with dogfish.




Competition Results 17th April 2022 

Easter comp    

1st   J Lewis    Ray 10lb 10oz

2nd C Parker cod 3lb 4oz +

Dogfish 1lb 2oz = total 5lbs

3rd N Hatton Ray 3lb 5 1/2 oz

4th J Deandrade 2 x dogfish

total 1lb 13oz

5th S Webb dogfish 1lb 8oz

    6th F Chick dogfish 1lb 5 1/2oz

7th R Styles dogfish 1lb 5oz

       7th A Mcquiston  dogfish 1lb 5oz

9th B Davies dogfish 1lb 4oz

10th R Galley dogfish 1lb





Competition Results 10th April 2022 


1st   R Starling codling 1lb 5oz

2nd V Willmott codling 1lb 4oz

3rd N Dibben  eel    8 1/2 oz

4th A Rees pouting 3oz


Competition Results 27 march 2022 


1st J Lewis  spotted ray 2lb 14oz


Only weighable fish caught.

Competition Results 13 march 2022 


1st J Deandrade thornback ray 6lb 15oz

plus conger eel 3lb 6 1/2oz

total 10lb 5 1/2 oz

2nd S Webb conger eel 4lb 9 1/2oz

3rd R Starling rockling 10 1/2 oz codling 31b 4 oz  total 3lb 14 1/2oz                      

4th R Hopkins conger eel 1lb 7 1/2oz

Competition Results 27th Feb 2022 


1st N  Dibben silver eel 9oz


Only weighable fish caught!  

Competition Results 13th Feb 2022 

    1st N Hatton Ray 4lb 10oz 

                  2nd J Sexton  Pouting  and rockling                                        total 8 oz                       

3rd B Styles  Rockling 2oz     


Competition Results 6th feb 2022 

            1st R Phillips  Dover Sole   

2lb 13oz

                   2nd J Sexton  Pouting   6oz                         3rd N Evans    Rockling 4oz     


Competition Results 9th Jan 2022 

1st B Davies  8lb oz Ray

2nd J Deandrade 7lb 8oz Ray

3rd B Niblett 3lb 2 1/2 oz Cod 
     4th G Nicholls 1lb 1oz conger     
5th J Grovell 9oz whiting
     6th A Rees 3 1/2 oz  pouting


Competition Results 23rd Jan 2022 

1st J Sexton 2 pouting 7oz +1 flounder 15 oz total 1lb 15oz 

2nd B Styles Dover Sole 11oz

3rd R Phillips whiting 7 1/2 oz 

Competition Results 2nd Jan 2022 

1st T Parker 3lb 6oz cod
2nd F Chick 3lb 5oz cod
3rd G Parker 2lb 12oz conger 
4th C Garner 1lb 10oz     
5th D Paskell 4oz pouting
6th J Grovell 3oz pouting
7th R Hopkins 2oz pouting
8th R Galley 2oz rockling
8th M Purnell 2oz pouting

Competition Results Dec 19th 2021

1st J Deandrade thornback 3lb 5oz
2nd C Boagey codling 2lb 11oz
3rd C Garner codling 2lb 9oz
4th A Farmer whiting 7oz
5th N Dibben pouting 2oz
6th J Grovel pouting 2oz

Raffles J Grovel  J Collins  J Lewis

Competition Results Dec 12th 2021

1st J Deandrade Thornback ray 3lb 9oz

2ndJ Sexton 2 eels +pouting +  total weight 1lb 9oz.

3rd L Williams conger eel 1lb 2oz

4th joint R Galley whiting whiting 11oz

4th C Parker rockling 11oz

6th B Davies 2 whiting 5 1/2 oz +5oz total 10 1/2 oz

7th M Purnell whiting 7oz

8th A Rees whiting 6oz

9th D Jones whiting 6oz

Competition Results Nov 28th 2021

1st J Deandrade conger 4lb 11oz +bass 4lb 8oz total 9lb 3oz

2nd S Jones Conger 5lb 12oz

3rd R Christofarto Conger 1lb 15oz +2 dogfish total 4lb 2oz 

4th R Starling 2 dogfish 1lb 3oz+15 1/2oz total 2lb 2 1/2oz

5th C Boagey conger 1lb 15oz

6th F Chick rockling 11 1/2oz

   7th J Cameron whiting 7 1/2oz

8th R Galley pouting 4 1/2 oz


Competition Results Nov 21st 2021

1st R Hopkins Conger 1lb 15oz
2nd C Boagey conger and dogfish total 1lb 13 1/2oz
3rd R Starling whiting 6oz

Competition Results Nov 14th 2021

1st L Williams Conger 3lb 1oz

2nd J Sexton Sole 1lb 8oz + 3 Pouting total weight 2lb 1oz.

3rd V Willmott Dogfish 10 1/2 oz

Competition Results Oct 31st 2021

1st M Luker 6.17

2nd L Cauchi 2.835

4th L Williams 2.42



1st B Beal  (as above)

2nd A Hathway


A total of 125 Fished 30 weighed in.

Competition Results Oct 17th 2021

1st C Parker Conger 4lb 13 1/20z

2nd D Pilcher Conger 3lb 11 oz

3rd A Mcquiston Whiting 5oz + Codling 1lb 14oz

Total 2lb 3 1/2 oz

4th A Willmott Conger 1 lb 14 1/2 oz    

Competition Results Oct 3rd 2021

1st F Chick Smooth-Hound 10lb 14oz

2nd N Hatton Conger x 2  (2lb 10oz & 3lb6 1/2oz)

+ Dogfish 1lb 9 1/2oz

total 7lb

3rd B Styles Conger 4lb 13 1/2oz

4th J Deandrade Conger 3lb 8oz Dogfish 14 1/2 oz total 4lb 6 1/2oz

Competition Results 26th Sept 2021

1st R Hopkins conger eel 3lb 5oz

2nd V Willmott codling 1lb 2oz

Competition Results 21st Sept 2021

 1st John Cameron Conger Eel x2 5lb 15 1/2 oz  
2nd Colin Boagey Conger Eel 2lb 11oz + Bass 2lb 14oz  total 5lb 9oz
3rd Fred Chick Cod 1lb 9 1/2 oz
4th Dave Pilcher Conger Eel 1 lb

Competition Results 5th Sept 2021

 1st Jason Waters Conger Eel 7lb 2oz
2nd Colin Boagey Conger Eel 4lb 8oz
3rd Nigel Nicholas Conger Eel 3lb 7oz
4th John Cameron Conger Eel 2lb 12 oz


Competition Results 18th July 2021

1st C Parker 2x Smooth Hounds 15lb 2oz

2nd R Starling 1 Smooth Hound 6lb 11oz

Competition Results 11th July 2021

1st R Starling  Smooth Hound 12lb 2oz

2nd C Parker 1 Smooth Hound 9lb 4oz

3rd P Starling  Bass 7lb 1.1/2oz

4th A Mcquiston Smooth Hound 6lb 4 oz

Open Meet for R.N.L.I Results.

1st R Taylor             7.05

 2nd C Reed           5.63

3rd  T Starling        5.10

4th J Deandrade    4.86

5th P George          4.77

6th M Williams       4.58

7th I Jones             3.67

8th S Smyth           2.62

9th M Cruickshank 2.43

10th A Payne          2.34

11th G Edwards     2.10

12th J Carter         1.99

13th C Tanner        1.98

14thC Equall          1.56

15th D Hemmings 1.15

16th S Thomas      1.10

17th M Thompson 1.00

18th G Morgan      0.95

19th A Nicholas     0.94

20th I Smith           0.87

21st D Loader       0.60

22nd C Boagey     0.55

23rd C Jenkins      0.4

24th C Loader       0.4

25th R Galley        0.26

26th D Llewellyn   0.2

27th C Maddox    0.18

28th R Tapper      0.16



1st B Beale       1.3

2nd F Williams  0.56


Competition Results 13th July 2021

1st Ray Starling Smooth Hound 9lb 12oz beach
2nd Calvin Parker Codling 1lb+ Smooth Hound 6lb 13oz

Junior - Finnan Williams 1lb 9oz Eel

1st Simon Tritschler 3lb 13 1/2 Conger pier
2nd Calvin Parker Conger 3lb 3oz beach
3rd Joe Deandrade Dogfish 1lb 3oz pier.

Competition Results 6th June 2021

 Competition Results 30th May 2021

1st Richard Hopkins 1 dogfish 1lb 5oz
1 thornback ray 5lb 10oz 1thornback ray 8lb 7oz total weight 15lb 6oz
2nd Derick Sidaway Conger 3lb 6oz
3rd John Cameron conger 1lb 15oz
4th Paul Starling dogfish 1lb 9oz

 Competition Results 23rd May 2021

1st Joe Deandrade - Conger and 2 Dogfish 6lb. - Pier

2nd Colin Boagey - 2 Dogfish 2lb 12oz - Beach

3rd Paul Starling - 2 Dogfish 2lb 10oz - Beach

4th Adam Farmer - 2 Dogfish 2lb 9oz - Pier


 Competition Results 16th May 2021

1st Joe Deandrade pier

3 dog fish and 1 ray total weight 7lb 3oz

2nd Ray Starling beach

conger eel 2lbs 11oz

3rd Paul Starling beach

Dogfish 1lb 11oz

4th Brendan Davies pier

dogfish 1lb 6oz

Junior Ieaun Smythe beach

codling 1lb


Competition Results May 9th 2021



1st Donna Payne Thornback ray 3lb 12 1/2 ozs

2nd Joe Deandrade 3xdogfish 3lb 2 1/2 ozs

3rd Fred Chick 2xcodling 2lb 8oz

4th Calvin Parks 2xcodling 2lb.


Junior - Ieuan Smyth Green eel 3oz


 A few more fish caught this comp more  than we have seen for a while  mostly dogfish.

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